Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau

Aiming high with wood New dimensions with the building material of the future

Wood has a lot of potential - both technically, in terms of design and economically. Nowadays, wood is being used to create ever more impressive structures for pioneering buildings or multi-storey buildings, both in private and public spaces.

Multi-storey timber construction in particular can bring the advantages of its building material to bear here: In terms of statics in particular, wood surprises with the fact that it is nevertheless light with a high load-bearing capacity - and thus ideally suited for additions to storeys and subsequent densification. In addition, wooden ceilings now impress with amazing spans with low material input and good fire protection properties.

If several residential units are to be built in a multi-storey building, sound insulation measures are particularly important. Here, best wood SCHNEIDER has developed intelligent concepts such as the CLT BOX - CEILING FS, which impress with excellent sound insulation properties even in the low-frequency range.

Just how innovative best wood SCHNEIDER products are in terms of shortening construction time, sustainability and fire protection is underlined by the award of the Architects' Darling Award 2020 Gold in the category "Best Product Innovation Shell Construction". In addition to the numerous advantages such as a fast construction time due to simple assembly, wood scores particularly well in the eco-balance. A strong, multi-dimensional building material from Mother Nature - and a solution for the future!

Hohlkastenelemente als effektive Lösung im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau

Wenn mehrere Wohneinheiten in einem mehrgeschossigen Gebäude entstehen sollen, sind Massnahmen zum Schallschutz besonders wichtig. Hier hat best wood SCHNEIDER intelligente Konzepte wie die CLT BOX – DECKE FS entwickelt, die mit exzellenten Schallschutzeigenschaften auch im tieffrequenten Bereich überzeugen.

Durch den Einsatz von Hohlkastenelementen bei Holzdecken kann nicht nur eine verbesserte akustische Performance erreicht werden, sondern auch eine effiziente, nachhaltige und wirtschaftliche Bauweise gefördert werden. Dies macht sie zu einer attraktiven Option für viele moderne Bauprojekte.

Wie innovativ hier die Produkte von best wood SCHNEIDER sind, unterstreicht die Auszeichnung mit dem Architects‘ Darling Award 2020 Gold in der Kategorie „Beste Produktinnovation Rohbau“. Neben den zahlreichen Vorteilen wie eine schnelle Bauzeit durch einfache Montage punkten wir hier auch ganz besonders in der Ökobilanz. Mit der Stärke von Mutter Natur für eine Lösung der Zukunft!

Good for nature, good for everybody. Tested, certified.

Products with a natureplus label consist predominantly of renewable raw materials or raw materials that have been obtained in a nature-friendly way. Demanding independent tests and Europe-wide strictest limit values for indoor air quality guarantee the ecological quality of the certified products.


PEFC is a transparent and independent system for ensuring sustainable forest management and thus a global "forest MOT". Forest certification according to PEFC standards is based on very strict guidelines for the sustainable management of forests. This management is controlled by competent and independent organisations.


An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) presents the life cycle of a building product as well as information relevant to building physics and in general. The Environmental Product Declaration is drawn up in accordance with the DIN EN 15804 standard and thus ensures a uniform assessment and comparability of EPDs.


Produkte mit diesem Siegel wurden von natureplus geprüft und erfüllen die Anforderungen durch das Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude (QNG) zur Schadstoffvermeidung in Baumaterialien.


With the CE marking, we as the manufacturer confirm that our best wood wood fibre insulation materials comply with the product-specific applicable European directives of the European Union.


The mark of conformity (Ü mark) identifies construction products that comply with the relevant technical rules, the building authority approval, the building authority test certificate or the approval in individual cases.


The KEYMARK is the European certification mark that documents the compliance of products with European standards.


Material guarantee deposited with the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade. Only the professional processing of flawless materials guarantees true customer satisfaction. This is why the ZVDH has developed the material guarantees together with renowned partners in the roofing industry. We offer the guild companies protection in the event of material complaints, in that we, as the manufacturer, have deposited a comprehensive guarantee for our products.


Directly to the matching products

best wood CLT Box


Statically effective and at the same time space-creating: best wood CLT BOX is a wooden element that is suitable for every structural requirement.

best wood CLT Box - Decke FS


The wooden box element for multi-storey timber construction with extended sound and fire protection requirements.

best wood CLT BOX – CEILING open

Combines the advantages of solid wood and timber post and beam construction and allows for easy installation guidance in the longitudinal direction.


For solid ceiling constructions: Our CLT XL format elements with width up to 3.00 m and length up to 16.00 m


Cross laminated timber for solid wall constructions – width up to 3.50 m


City apartments with commercial unit Multi-storey timber construction with clt box elements

With the added bonus of sound insulation: Between our main site in Eberhardzell and the new plant in Meßkirch, an apartment block with commercial use was built with our ceiling system best wood CLT BOX - CEILING FS.

  • Location 88356 Ostrach, Germany
  • Building type Residential buildings, Industrial and commercial buildings
  • Building measure New buildings

Addition of a storey in timber construction A CLT BOX reference project

In Nonnenhorn on Lake Constance, an extension was carried out with the CLT BOX - a prime example of smart use of materials.

  • Location 88149 Nonnenhorn, Germany
  • Building type Industrial and commercial buildings
  • Building measure Extension

A top class quarter Plenty of space and noble design in the Westspitze Güterbahnhof

Here, modern hybrid construction and noble acoustic ceiling design in "soft white" are combined with many ecological ideas.

  • Location 72072 Tübingen, Germany
  • Building type Industrial and commercial buildings, Office and administration buildings
  • Building measure New buildings

Three-storey with best wood SCHNEIDER A reference project for plaster baseboard and wood fibre insulation

In Bettenweiler, a three-storey multi-family house was built using the timber frame construction method - naturally with best wood SCHNEIDER

  • Location 88263 Bettenweiler, Germany
  • Building type Residential buildings
  • Building measure New buildings


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Find your best wood SCHNEIDER contact person for your region and specialist area here.

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